Our expertise
That of the living
Our expertise gives us the means to contribute
to building a more "ecologically correct" world.
It comprises four phases in close collaboration with living organisms and numerous
world-renowned research centres.

The research
A fundamental step.
Observe to understand and search tirelessly.
Objective: to unearth the "micro-organic pearls" which will constitute the innovative products and solutions of tomorrow.
The resources we invest in research are substantial.
The selection
Identification and selection of the most effective
microorganisms according to the applications.
This requires us to work with the best: they are in our teams...
Our bank of micro-organisms is extraordinarily rich.
Our “vault” contains exceptional unique strains.
We draw inspiration and components from it for the development
and production of our products and solutions.
The production
Production on an industrial scale of ultra-powerful micro-organisms and biosurfactants
as part of a draconian quality approach using in particular
PCR (polymerase chain reaction: polymerase chain reaction).